Time to pay
Thursday of this week got called by Paula we have to do the final payment before Saturday. Yes we are now 45 days before departure time.
I have been to the CLSC for my vaccination for Tetanus and Polio. Christian and I tried to go to the flu vaccination for the general public. Way to may people turned around and called the CLSC for an appointment. Left a message and they will call us back.
Now we are looking at what we will have do before we go:
1-. Emailed the hotel for some tee times at the golf course. Eleazer answered us back right away. Because we wanted breakfast before we go he could get us out at 8h45 am on the following days December: 30, 31 and January 02, 03 and 04/2007.
2- We did our reservation for a car with Smart rent a Car for the full week.
William will send someone to pick up Christian at the Airport and I will leave on the shuttle for the hotel with the suitcases. This way we will both get to the hotel and be ready for the beach in no time. This is the first time we will have a car for the full duration of our vacation. We got a good price $191.00 usd full insurance. You need to take the Mexican insurance your Canadian or credit car ones will not cover you the proper way so piece of advice take them.
3- Send another email to the hotel. Since it’s our first time to this one we needed to know if they will provide us with the beach towel. Eleazer said no problem they are included in our package. Just like every other hotel he also told us that if we loose them we would have to pay for them.
4- Did the reservation for the Ottawa/Toronto with Aeroplane miles + taxes $168.94 for both of us. This is a good way to do it for not to much money.
Made a list of things we will need: Golf equipment and shoes, clothes and shoes, snorkel gear, medication, MP3 players, beach games and books.
Left a message on the Travel note board for Tony Rome to see if we could make our reservation for the New Years Eve party he will be throwing. Went to the Cozumel Insider Web page and the sun his shining. Tony Rome is a great place for Ribs and roasted chicken.
This is it for now will be back this week for some more insight before we go.
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