Monday, February 26, 2007

Feb 25th weather is 29 degrees

Up bright and early again to go golfing with Steve and someone else from the hotel (the other Steve). Got breakfast then gone to the course. Tee time was 7h30 final score was Christian 88 and Lyne 98. Got back to the hotel and down to the beach. Christian got the Internet hook up. Now we can keep you up to date.

We have to be in the lobby to do so but that is ok. We are having a very good time and the weather is just perfect.

Hélène has been doing the stretching on the beach and snorkeling from the beach. We have met a lot of new people.

We had dinner at the buffet and then went to the show “name that tune” Christian didn’t succeed at winning some of the prize.

Will keep you going


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, c'est bien de voir que vous vous amusez tous les trois et qu'il fait beau!
je pense que de jouer à "name that tune" pourrait être une belle activité pour le prochain party de noël...
bonnes vacances,
marie-christine :)

7:21 p.m.  

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